Slavery In The A: Leon Higginbotham Jr. Case

Words: 260
Pages: 2

In the A. Leon Higginbotham Jr. case there was a quote by Winthrop Jordan that seems pretty clear that Racism caused Slavery as he stated that, “since the fifteenth century, Englishmen had regarded blackness as, ‘the handmaid and symbol of baseness and evil, a sign of danger and repulsion.’” The quote says it itself that the Englishmen thought of Blackness as a warning sign basically, which could be a way why the English had enslaved Africans. One way that an African in the Colonies could be a free man was if Africans were, “baptized into the Christian religion.” Which the English and Spanish believed that you could not enslave another Christian. A little further down in the same article Higginbotham says that, “If blackness was a sin, at