Sleepy Hollow Myths

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Pages: 3

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
The film “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” is an interesting movie with great aspects of how life was perceived in history. Analyzing the movie was a difficult process but realizing that the movie depicts many different ways of life then, you realize the history in the movie. The film depicted a time during the market revolution when people were always trying to become the richest and with no one succeeding.
In the film, what it showed really had meaning of history behind it. The people men were trying to win the heart of Katrina, while she had the richest father, with the land that just produced money. Getting to Katrina meant that they were now going to inherit money from Baltus. Baltus, the father of Katrina, had the “American Dream”, everyone wanted to be like him or in his
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The market revolution, people tried to gain their own wealth by starting with bank loans, buying and building on land, to end up losing it to the bankrupt banks. Yet socialism was deal in the film also, such as the men were the ones who went out and drank, and made friends, while you never saw the women outside besides when they went to the Halloween party and Baltus’ house, the men go to impress the women with their dance skills and to win Katrina’s heart over. When men were fighting over Katrina, the villain of the story is shown, some may say the headless horseman is the villain of the movie, but in all honestly, Katrina which would be considered the perfect lady in the beginning of the movie is who the villain could be. Katrina would be considered the villain by causing problems for the ones around her. She causes the whole town a commotion with every man believing that they are in love with her, and had them followed her everywhere that she