Smooth Talk Movie Vs Short Story

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Pages: 5

In 1970, Joyce Carol Oates published the short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been”. Based in the sixties in a small town, this short story is mostly situated in a burger joint and a suburban home, with the problem of Connie being a girl that enjoys having a “good time” a little too much for her age. Connie, the main character, is a fifteen-year-old girl spending her summer going out with her friends and meeting boys over at the burger joint where most of the older guys spend their free time. In the end, this causes Connie some trouble over an older guy that had taken a liking to her. This short story has many different reasons to why it’s important to read, but the most important one would be to teach a young person not to grow …show more content…
Throughout the movie, there were a couple of similarities and differences from the short story. One similarity from the movie and the book would be the rude attitude that the mother gave Connie both in the story and in the movie. In the movie, Smooth talk, Connie would do a small thing like put on hair spray (Smooth Talk), and her mom would go and start talking very rude to her and comparing her to her older sister June while on the phone with relatives. In the short story, the mother also complains and her rudeness towards Connie comes over the smallest thing that Connie does. For example, “Why don’t you keep your room clean like your sister? Have you got your hair fixed- what the hell stinks? Hair spray? You don’t see your sister using that junk,” (Oates 323) shows one, how much Connie is compared to June and two, the rudeness of the mother towards the daughter. Not changing this is very important because the mother being rude to Connie being one of the biggest reasons why Connie is the way she is. It was important to not change this part of the story because it sets up the plot in a way that shows how much Connie wants to grow up and be older than she actually is and the mother being rude to her just because. This contributed to making the movie successful because it showed how much the relationship in the family, especially with Connie and the mother …show more content…
In Smooth Talk, Arnold Friend sees Connie while she's going out of the burger joint with Eddie when he marks her as a prize, which is what happens in the short story when Arnold Friend says “Gonna get you baby” (Oates 325). This part of the movie was very important and if changed it would have changed the entire plot for the reason that without this part happening there would not even be a movie and if there was, it would not be considered to be an adaptation of this short story. This contributed to the success of the movie because even if the watchers of the movie did not realize that the main reason for the movie was to show the interaction between Friend and Connie, they got the feeling that something big would happen later in the