Social Justice Novel Study: Prisoner By Yanek Gruener

Words: 1069
Pages: 5

Social Justice Novel Study – Prisoner B-3087
My book is about a young Jewish boy named Yanek Gruener who was one day living a normal life, but then Germans started bombing, later then invaded the town he lived in and separated the Jews from the rest of the population, Jews had certain rules like a nightly curfew at 9PM having to ration food and they weren’t allowed in public places like swimming pools, libraries, schools, etc. After that they were all barricaded into one neighbour hood which became the Jewish ghetto, in the Jewish ghetto everyone was forced to live with each other because there wasn’t enough room for every single Jewish to have their own house. After a couple months or years of surviving in the Jewish ghetto, Yanek’s parents
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After being in the first camp for several days, Yanek noticed his uncle, His uncle helped him and taught him how to survive in concentration camps, in the same concentration camp, Yanek’s uncle was killed leaving Yanek to live in concentration camps on his own. Yanek is now the last member of his family alive. Yanek goes through 2 more camps, before coming to his next big obstacle, one of the prisoners felt like Yanek was tired of being beat up worked so he fought back, but was shot right away, the Nazis decided to take random people out of the prisoners and accusing them of helping the guy fight back, Yanek noticed a boy about a year or 2 younger than him, Yanek then vowed to never fight back and get other prisoners killed for his actions. The next obstacle for Yanek was the train ride into Birkenau, all the prisoners were forced into a train, but it was a train they used to transport animals and cows in, Yanek then realized that the Nazis weren’t treating prisoners like they were animals and not people. During the train ride the prisoners were talking about how it was a death camp, then the prisoners started preparing for death, but when the prisoners got to the camp they found out it …show more content…
Yanek was taken to Munich, where he saw one of the people who used to stay with him when the Jews were forced to share houses, Mrs. Immerglick, she told Yanek that his cousin Youzek was also in Munich. After being with in Munich for a while Yanek applied in some program to go to America. A couple months later he was chosen to go to America.
I would recommend this book to everyone because it is a very interesting, suspenseful book, its also a true story which makes it even more nerve wracking to read, as an example for a nerve wracking moment in the book is when Yanek and his 2 other friends are hiding under the floorboards to avoid work and Amon Goeth, the camp commander comes into the barrack with his dogs, but Yanek and his friends manage to escape. The book also teaches a lot about the holocaust and how it was living as a Jewish person through the holocaust. I highly recommend this book to