Social Media's Negative Effects On The Brain

Words: 890
Pages: 4

Our brains have been molded by social media and we do not even realize it. Social media is a new way to communicate and share information with other through websites that are specifically for this purpose. Most of us find that social media is enjoyable, which makes it hard for us to realize the negative effects of using social media. Social media can affect us negatively in two ways, physically and psychologically. The brain adapts to the use of social media, and depending on how much it has been a part of our lives, the more our brains have been conditioned to use social media.The more social media is used, the less our short attention spans are as efficient. Addiction can arise from social media, because of the small efforts needed to receive the pleasures that social media can provide and activation of addiction parts of the brain. Communication over social media ruins our grammar and spelling because of relying on automatic programs that type for us, making it harder for those in future responsibilities when programs will not be there for them. Social media can be accessed almost anywhere today, and while it can benefit the use of current events and communication, there are detrimental effects on each and every one of us. …show more content…
The brain is able change itself, through neuroplasticity. The brain has the ability to alter itself in behaviors based on new experiences. The brain is mendable and has the ability to change its behaviors (Mashable). How much the brain has changed because of social media depends on the amount of use of social media. “Our brains are designed to adapt to its cortical networks to the environment in which it lives.” A child exposed mainly to social media can hinder the development of their social skills