Social Reform In The 19th Century

Words: 749
Pages: 3

The pursuit of perfection was a series of reforms initiated in the nineteenth century. Individuals in America’s middle class noticed the issues in society, especially regarding the practices that were immoral, yet considered normal. Reformers in nineteenth century America strove to repair these issues and reshape society. However, reforms were conducted through numerous methods. Chapter 12 focused on two vital reforms in this period: religious and social. Religious reformers spread Evangelical and Protestant beliefs throughout the nation to remove immorality and evils such as intemperance so that the public would reach a god-like state of perfection. Furthermore, social reformers began to declare the role of women in society as mainly domestic, their most important task being raising children and cultivating virtue in their families. Social reformers also began to revolutionize the public education system, and created an influx of public schools for children, as well as lyceums and for adults to improve their mental capabilities. Religious reform in America spread throughout the nation in what is known as the Second Great Awakening. Though the nation, there was an increase in heat-wrenching which encouraged people to leave their vices and immorality in the past, and start a new way of life in accord to religious morals. Numerous individuals began to attend Church sermons more than twice a week and instill the teachings into their lives. In the lower Midwest, religious reformers held camp meetings. In these meetings, rural people would gain religious education and conduct ceremonies. …show more content…
Through religious instruction, emphasis on women’s domestic roles, and reform in the education system, more and more people began to leave their old vices in exchange of qualities that would benefit themselves as well as those around