Sociological Imagination Lens

Words: 2051
Pages: 9

As Public issues continue to affect vulnerable communities these communities are finding ways to mobilize and put a stop to the inequalities they face. Through (voluntary) organizations, and movements, communities such as the undocuqueer (undocumented and queer) community and the straight undocumented community are coming together to have their voice be heard. By coming out to the public about their sexual orientation and their status, they are hoping to encourage others to do the same and thus recruit more members who identify as LGBTQ (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer), undocumented or both. Coming together is a way for them to motivate each other and feel comfortable within their own community. Being involved in these organizations …show more content…
This new perspective takes a closer look at the social structure focusing specifically on the individual and society. Observing the individual through a sociological imagination lens is being able to understanding that their interpretations are being influenced by the environment they reside in and the historical context. This then transitions into what Mills refers to as the individual’s personal troubles. Mills further explains that there is a distinction between personal troubles and public issues. He explains that if within a society of 100,000 only one individual is unemployed that individual has personal troubles; however if there is a society where there is 50 million employees and out of those 15 million are unemployed that is now a public issue (Mills 9). He suggests that individuals should perceive ordinary actions such as a daily routine through a different lens in order to be able to observe them through a completely new standpoint; he describes this new form of viewing the world as the Sociological Imagination. Furthermore, I will evaluate how individuals are attempting to solve their personal troubles as well as public issues by getting involved with organizations and thus sharing their personal narratives. I will be describing the important role these personal narratives play in these organizations and how based on Mills …show more content…
The same aspects apply to story telling because the effectiveness of story telling relies on the targeted audience and the context where the presentation will take place. Swerts explains, “undocumented youth activist carefully construct life stories in order to fit the intended purpose” (349). This new method is utilized to foster an environment that provides a space for individuals to share their emotion and to feel a sense of belonging. The overall goal of these youth organizations is to assist the individual with their grief, train new members on how to tell their stories so they know what to highlight so that the audience can capture in these stories a valuable purpose, a political interest and a moral shock. Tension is being created in the social structure because marginalized communities are mobilizing to generate a social change. The change must happen amongst the social institutions where their families are placed when being deported, trying to create change within individuals and societies’ cultural practices in order for everyone to be accepted regardless of the sexual orientation, status or economic back ground that anyone comes from. These are multiple forms of inequalities that these vulnerable communities endure everyday therefore organizations like these will continue to come up with new methods to unite