Sociology: American Civil War and Powerful Central Government Essay

Submitted By xcdeng518
Words: 513
Pages: 3

- Culturally, the South were considered one of history’s unique evils that needed to be conquered or destroyed by whatever means necessary to bring an end to state sanctioned slavery in the west and unite all Americans behind a powerful central government for the common good
- The South had legitimate concerns at that time. Therefore the South in essence was preventing themselves from being bullied; the North insisting that it could dictate cultural, social, legal, and moral norms upon the south.
- African Americans, view the confederacy with loathsome hate.
- Whites on the other hand must choose between the moral implications versus the traditional ones, where their forefathers had fought and died for their causes. These Americans who celebrate confederacy hate the sins but not the sinner as they believed the confederates were still human beings and deserve respect.
- Today, all those who believe, respect, or celebrate confederacy are deemed “un-American”, are an insult to African-Americans, the human race, civilized values, and a supporter of hate crimes.
 Has also to do with Governments desire to clamp out opposition by the bud and support a unified American federal government
- This is where the problem is posed. The current federal government speak of “the land of the free” however the way in which they operate are becoming highly authoritarian and socialistic. They infringe on rights and at times blatantly desecrate the Charter and all of its values. So now, smaller government parties who wish to rise and fight for their own values consider themselves “philosophers of the confederacy without the civil war”
- The result of the Civil War had produced a form of “agreeing to disagree”. Americans had enough of war and the slaughtering of their own brethren so the war had ended with a mindset that each side will have their own opinions. This however did not eliminate the thoughts or tendencies of the South, simply silenced them. The reconstruction period that