Sociology Of Leopard Man Analysis

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Pages: 3

The Lepard Man Essay Happiness should come from being yourself. In Logan Fey's article, "The Sociology of Leopard Man", clearly states his argument that being human is to be individual and not to surrender your individuality to the will or majority in society. In agreement with Fey's argument, for some, being different and having individuality is what makes them jubilant and escaping from the norms of society can be therapeutic. Some might disagree and say that everyone should fit in and be normal but that’s because they look down and fear individualism. Being yourself, the key to having that rejoicing feeling of being an individual human. Living a conformist lifestyle can end up surrendering your individuality to society. Something that helped me choose my side of the argument is Leppard remarked, "As far as I'm concerned if there is paradise on earth, I'm in it" (Fey's 7). I take a relish for this because of how well it explains my argument of being individual, is being jubilant. People that can escape from the majority of society have a different energy, and outlook on life, a good one. …show more content…
Most people say it is just easier to fit in or be like them, but why, there is no unawareness in that. Where's the fun? "Conformity can be seen as the world's most common but dangerous psychological disorder" (Fey's 6). I don’t know about you, but that kind of freaks me out, I could just imagine a bunch of people that look, talk, and act the same. I believe that is freakier than a freak, and if everyone was able to be individual, it would be smooth sailing all the way around, everyone could live the lifestyle they wanted, which essentially wouldn’t leave an excuse for someone to not be in an uplifting mood. What's the point of people trying to get you to fit in, are you going to listen to