Sociology Of Leopard Man Essay

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Pages: 5

We currently live in a society of people who try to fit into a certain group of people. Who constantly change who they are. Changing their personality ,changing their style of dressing, and even the way they talk. Me personally, I think that people shouldn’t change who they are inside because why change? Why conform into a group of people that don’t like the same stuff as you, when you can find other friends that have the same type of internet of things as you. In school, I’ve found myself spotting old friends hanging out with groups of people that don’t match their traits of being. Seeing an old friend that liked music and art. Now hanging out with a group of people that like playing sports and causing trouble at school. Just didn’t seem right, …show more content…
In the article The Sociology Of Leopard Man Logan Feys describes people that have tattoos, piercing, hair mutilations, etc as “Such people are desperate for society’s attention having failed to attract it in a positive form they go for shock value.” It always isn’t this the case because they feel the pressure of society the need to change. Did you know about Suicide is the third leading cause of death for the ages of 15-24 year olds. Mostly being about depression from school reasons. One may not “fit in” and be saddened by the lack of results or friends. One is depressed because they are living a life they do not want to live; and society brainwashing people into thinking that they cannot be alone and be happy. More importantly, depression is fatal. All of this, just to try and be like everyone else and nobody special. Little do people know that the only person they truly need is themselves. No longer should people feel the pressure to “fit in,” surrendering who they are in the process. What people need is to be themselves, and to rely on themselves. In the end, the only person who really knows when it gets though is themselves, and only they know their true