Software Engineering Essay

Submitted By harishkumar253
Words: 331
Pages: 2

ORACLE ADF tutorial:

Open a new application workspace.


Change the application template to Web Application (Default).This allows us to specify the technology used in the application to simplify and personalize the environment according to the technology preferences.



Open a Business Component diagram.



Establish a connection to the Database and then select any two tables. In this case I have selected Departments and Employees tables.


Drag and drop of database tables onto a UML diagram can be used to create different types of objects with the same user experience.


This will generate the business component diagram with the relationships indicated in it. Select all and then right click.


Now select Default Data Model Components which are business components that collect data and present it to the client.







Open page flow editor which allows you to visually and declaratively define the flow of application. This can also be done by right clicking on the ViewController.

Drag and drop a Data Page from the component palette onto the screen.


Double click on the DataPage1 and then select dataPage1.uix to open a new UIX page.



Now open the data controls and double click on AppDataModuleControl and do the following steps. All previously created business services are exposed in the Data Control