Soliloquy 4 Analysis

Words: 370
Pages: 2

The two complementary tones of life and death in “Soliloquy 4” by William Shakespeare are reflected in the author’s use of diction, point of view, and imagery. Shakespeare uses strong diction to present one of the most powerful soliloquies in the play. When talking about the option of life Hamlet uses words like “nobler,” “suffer,” and “cowards.” When he is talking about death he uses words like “sleep” and “dream.” He describes life as a more negative connotation and death as a more positive connotation. Even though he is asking himself “To be or not to be,” he seems to lean more towards death. He briefly focuses on his option of living.
The point of view is very important in “Soliloquy 4.” It is in third person omniscient because it is a