Some Researchers Believe The Most Important Quality That Teachers Bring To The Classroom Is Their Commitment To The Young Adolescents They Teach Essay

Submitted By bluebell8527
Words: 451
Pages: 2

Some researchers believe the most important quality that teachers bring to the classroom is their commitment to the young adolescents they teach. You will need several personal and professional characteristics that you demonstrate daily as a classroom teacher. What is the most important quality you believe teachers need to have? Identify some characteristics you see in yourself that will make you an effective teacher.
This video link of Rita Pierson might inspire you (See link above-Ted Talks). In addition, have you thought about rewards and/or punishments in your classroom? How do you envision the reward and/or punishment system in your classroom?

I believe one of the most important qualities a teacher needs to have is PASSION. Though this is a broad term, teachers should have a passion for knowledge or continually learning, a passion for teaching, and a passion for their students, coupled with compassion and wanting nothing but success for those they teach. Passion is what inspires and cannot be faked. It drives an interest and enthusiasm among the students in the classroom and creates a more authentic learning environment which is one of my teaching philosophies. Additionally, I believe that teachers need to lead by example and create a very respectful teaching environment. We are the role-models for our students and community. We as educators need to be respectful, great listeners, effective communicators, caring and enthusiastic, organized, and life-long learners, all while we build a sense of community in the classroom. We cannot expect our students to be passionate and respectful if these are not characteristics that we are actively showing in our lives. I feel that at this point in my journey I