Spanish Class Agreement Essay

Submitted By jaredlindo
Words: 364
Pages: 2

Spanish Class Agreement
In Spanish class, I agree to:
Obey all school rules and the Honor Code (listed on other side).
Respect the property, personal space, and personality of others.
Come to class on time and prepared.
Participate in my own learning.
Raise my hand to speak (unless participating in cooperative learning), and speak softly.
Listen while others are speaking without interrupting.
Use respectful and appropriate language.
Only get out of my seat if necessary.

Possible Consequences for Breaking Spanish Class Agreement
Time out; student / teacher conference; written apology; reflection essay; recall; points deducted from participation grade; replace/repair damaged property; contact parents or deans. These are only examples and may not be applicable in all cases. Parents/Deans may be contacted at any time according to the discretion of the teacher.

Student name (print) Student signature Date

Honor Code
We will respect the feelings and rights of others in the Poly Community, including teachers, students, and support staff.
We will treat others in the community as individuals, respecting differences in religion, race, ethnic origin, gender, and sexual orientation.
We will create a spirit of fairness by being truthful to others and will only take credit for work that is ours.
We will respect school property and the property of others and will not intentionally deface or damage