Specialised Cells Essay

Submitted By shamoh05
Words: 420
Pages: 2

1. Red blood cells. the function of this cell is to carry oxygen.
Special features are:
It has a large surface area to carry oxygen through.
Contains haemoglobin, which joins with oxygen.

2. Sperm cell
The function of a sperm cell is to reach the female cell and join with it. Special features: It has long tail for swimming also it has a head for getting into female cells.

3. Goblet cells are long, slender cells found in most human organs that are almost entirely responsible for the production of mucus.



guard cell: To open and close the stomata depending on the conditions.

(http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/add_ocr_gateway/green_world/leavesrev1.s html) 5. Egg cell:

Its function is to join with male cell, and then to provide food for the new cell that's been formed. Its special features are: large and contains lots of cytoplasm.

6. Root hair cell :
To absorb water and minerals. Its special feature is it has a large surface area.

7. Nerve cell ther. function of a nerve cell is to transmit messages from one part of the body to anothe nerve impulses: electrical signals carrying messages.