Speech On The Scarlet Ibis: Meaning Of Life

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Pages: 2

The Scarlet Ibis
Closing Speech
Defending Brother

What is the meaning of life to you? It may be to simply breathe a breath or to thrive and succeed, it is conditional to your beliefs. But what you are able to do with that life is the ultimate significance. So, members of the jury, I’d like you to think about what you’ve done with your life. Since you are here today I’d say you’re breathing and succeeding. But only because you were given that chance.
Now I want all of you to try and picture yourself in this light. From the moment you were born… you were a failure. No one expected anything out of you, in fact you were expected to die. Your little coffin already made and ready for the cold dead body that would soon be you. As every day passed your heart seems to stay pumping… lungs still working. It’s amazing that you’ve lived this long. Yet you’re still perceived as a mindless thing, so you’re left in one spot, lying. This would be your life, resting in your own filth. Everyone feeding you, cleaning you, keeping you alive. Everyone waiting, waiting for you to die.
But then one day, someone gave you a chance. This boy… he gives an opportunity that no one else would’ve ever done. This brother teaches you to walk. He teaches you to actually execute a movement of your own. Without
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Did this brother give Doodle a life? I would say yes for this simple reason, he gave Doodle a reason to live. It was clear that that this young boy could’ve easily given up on life a long time ago, but kept fighting to become the person he died as. ‘‘But he’s dead now.’’ you may argue. But was he really living before this boy changed his life? He could crawl and talk but other than that he was useless. This boy sitting down at this table here today gave him more of a life than he would’ve ever gotten without him. Those years were more than anything he could’ve