Squidward Quincy Tentacles Essay

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Pages: 2

Squidward Quincy Tentacles, 44 born in Bikini Bottom is a very interesting character. In the series SpongeBob, Squidward is seen as a boring and depressing character, the only thing that would bring him happiness is the disappearing of SpongeBob. But somehow all the other characters love him. In this essay we are going to explore Squidward's physiological profile, by using the Eysencks 3 Factor Model, Bipolar Disorder, Social Facilitation.
Using the Eysencks 3 Factor model to create a physiological outline of Squidward we can see where he falls among: Psychoticism, Extraversion, Neuroticism. Psychoticism is defined as being aggressive, cold, and creative. Squidward often times takes out his anger on Spongebob or Patrick. Squidward finds peace when he plays his clarinet often times making up the music for it leading him to be creative. Extroversion, is
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Bipolar disorder is when someone has highs and lows in their moods. At one moment Squidward can be happy and the next depressed. One time Squidward got so sad because he gave a pie to Spongebob that had a bomb in it, and SpongeBob ate it, Squidward was so sad and upset that he cried Spongebob a sweater out of tears, the bomb never went off. A few moments later Squidward was extremely happy that the bomb didn't go off and was constantly up Spongebobs butt.
Social Facilitation, is when the presence of an audience can help you or harm you in how you perform a task. Squidward plays the clarinet and when he plays by himself he is generally awful, but in one episode when he plays for an audience he does so much better. In squidwards case having an audience befits him, by allowing him to perform better.
All in all I think Squidward has a lot of problems, I feel like there is more going on within his brain or maybe the brain of the producer who developed the character. Squidward for the most part is sad depressed and