Standing Up For Others

Words: 570
Pages: 3

Who hasn’t at some time done something just to please someone else? You do something you don’t want to do because it’s suddenly expected of you, you bite your tongue when you disagree with someone to keep the peace, or you join your spouse in some activity you normally dislike, because he or she did the same for you not long ago.
While going out of your way for others is considered to be a kind and noble thing to do, doing it to the point of ignoring your own needs is impractical and a disservice to yourself. There comes a time when you need to make a stand and consider yourself ahead of others. We all have a self-preservation instinct. This should extend to meeting more than our basic physical needs. Tending to your own happiness, not at the expense of others, but because you need to be happy, too, is healthy.
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Often, we take this path to avoid conflict, but going against a strong belief will only make you feel that you are being untrue to yourself.
When We Have a Clear Goal
Sometimes we end up doing things that are contrary to our goals, such as helping out a friend who doesn’t support what we’re doing, or who has an opposite goal. Being pushed into this position is a form of bullying, which leads to emotional damage. Don’t let someone sidetrack the goals that are important to you.
When We or Someone Else is Being Bullied
Bullying doesn’t just happen between kids. Anyone can bully you by insisting that you do what you don’t want to do or by trying to control how you live. It is important to stand up and reject this behavior for what it is. Just because someone is dead set on getting his or her way doesn’t mean that he or she is right to push you to behave in a certain way.
When We’re Protecting Our