Starbucks Middle Class Observation

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Pages: 4

The hypothesis that I predicted prior to the observation was that more high-class individuals will come into Starbucks rather than middle or low class individuals. As for Mugsies, I predicted that most middle class individuals would come in rather than high class individuals. Comparing and contracting two coffee shops from two different locations were interesting to observe. As mentioned in my field notes, most of my hypothesis were correct about higher class people came into Starbucks. Starbucks can be known to waste individual’s money on coffee, smoothies, and food. The hypothesis I had for Mugsies was that more middle class people come in rather than higher class. Mugsies location is not in a popular area. It is a small, private, quiet coffee shop. The economic issue is not trying to judge a person based on one’s look. While observing, I had a hard time trying to not be judgmental or harsh towards the individual. For the first observation, Starbucks, there were seven customers’ total who came in to order or work, three were high class and four were middle class. Out of the seven customers that came into Starbucks only seventy percent were middle class. …show more content…
As I stated above, I was planning on discussing and focusing on the economic status of both coffee shops but found it to be too difficult to incorporate the two together. One way one could integrate these two would be to observe the coffee shops on two different days and compare and contrast the type of people on those days to have different results. I believe one could further the study by having small interacts with the individuals that would establish more communication and help one to determine one’s social class. This observation location was a practical study because the setting was in a public and neutral place to define types of