Starting Time In High School

Words: 687
Pages: 3

The starting time of high schools vary around the country. Some schools start at later times, but many start at 7:30 A.M. or earlier. This is severely hurting our education system. The problem occurs when you realize how many people are affected by this time. Principals, teachers, parents, and the rest of society are all affected by this flawed system. The people who are the most affected by this though are the students. Normal high school students are usually not self-disciplined enough to have a reasonable sleep schedule, eat a good breakfast early in the morning, and withstand extreme winter temperatures. School needs to start later. First off, a regular high school student doesn’t have a regular sleep schedule. Teenagers are not built to go to bed before 11 P.M. and there is not enough time for them to get an adequate amount of sleep. (Kalish) This usually leads to them being tired all day and not being prepared to …show more content…
Getting up in the morning with temperatures sometimes being below 10 degrees is not only uncomfortable, it’s dangerous. Kids suffer in these temperatures and the only way to change this would be too push starting times forward. This would allow warmer temperatures and a safer environment for students. Physical things are not the only thing affected by these early start times either, the mental side takes much more of a toll. In many schools, a later start time has already been applied and the schools are seeing great results from it. Test scores have increased, behavior and dropout rates have decreased, and tardiness have decreased mainly due to the later start times of those schools. Some states have even reported fewer teen car accidents. (Kalish) This is assumed to be because of the more sleep they get which leads to being more physically and mentally prepared for the day. The many common problems people see with a later start times have also been proven to be