Stephanie Ericsson The Ways We Lie Essay

Words: 152
Pages: 1

Stephanie Ericsson in her essay “The Ways We Lie” asserts that all humans lie to satisfy their own needs and the types of lies being told has wide effects on one’s life i. Ericsson supports her claim by explaining the types of lies such as The White Lie, Delusion, Omission, Facades, Ignoring the Plain Facts, Deflecting, Stereotypes and Clichés, Groupthink, Out and Out Lies and Dismissal; illustrating real-life examples to differentiate the types of lies through personal experience, defining important vocabulary words, and quoting major resources. The writer is attempting to persuade the reader that no matter if the lie is good or bad it creates an impact and is normal in order to stress the importance of types of lies and effects on all humans.