Stephen Hawking Research Paper

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Pages: 4

A man that once wanted to reach the edge of space once said: "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny". These words demonstrate the mindset that Stephen had during his lifetime with a debilitating disease and a passion for the great unknown called space. A hero can be described as a determined, brilliant and daring. Stephen Hawking an English theoretical scientist from Oxford, England who has developed a life-changing.Stephen Hawking an English man with the knowledge of the vast universe trapped within the shell of a former man, he has won multiple awards written many books and survived multiple life-changing events and still kept working hard. Stephen Hawking has been a deserving hero as a result of his will to never give up, which led him …show more content…
When Stephen Hawking talks about his life on the BBC he says "I am sure my disability has a bearing on why I am well known," he told the BBC. His wheelchair and a synthesized voice came to define him, although his work did not slow with his motor neuron disease, two failed marriages, and unprecedented celebrity."(Stephen Hawking: A cosmic Genius). The quotation illustrates how determined Stephen Hawking is to keep his life steady with a debilitating disease. Additionally, Stephen's action to keep his life intact is significant because he survived multiple life-changing events until the end. The idea that Stephen Hawking is daring also appears in the article "Stephen Hawking". When Johnny States that Stephen Hawking is Determined although his life-threatening disease, he states …show more content…
The article "Stephen Hawking" demonstrates his courageous claims about theories in his field. When the author explains what Stephen did multiple people questioned his theory "Hawking presented his theory in February of 1974 in a paper titled "Particle Creation by Black Holes." At first, many of his fellow physicists were skeptical, even to the point of outrage. But in the years following Hawking's initial proposal, other researchers have produced concurring evidence of what is now called "Hawking's radiation."(Stephen Hawking). The quotation demonstrates how Stephen is daring because of his ideas that seemed outlandish yet was correct. Additionally, being daring is significant because of his brave new fresh ideas that some had no clue about. In the article Stephen Hawking also highlights of taking a risk, but also making compromises too. When the author states the action that Mr.Hawking did he describes "When Stephen defied his father, he was daring by doing what he wanted "his father wanted him to go into biology (the senior Hawking felt that teaching would be the only opportunity in his son's future if he studied math). So Hawking compromised, taking chemistry in addition to physics."(Stephen Hawking). The quotation illustrates how Stephen Hawking made a daring decision to defy his parents and choose what he wanted. Even though his parents told him to do biology,