Stereotypes In Movies

Words: 449
Pages: 2

1. Which positive stereotypes associated with aging are portrayed? How are they portrayed?
A positive stereotype depicted in the movie was the determination from Maruge. This would be a positive stereotype because it shows how Maruge did not let his age change his drive to get a free education. Another positive stereotype depicted in the movie is the independence of Maruge. This would be a positive stereotype because it depicts how he was able to take care of himself despite his age.
2. Which negative stereotypes associated with aging are portrayed? How are they portrayed?
The negative stereotypes depicted in the movie are slow-thinking and incompetent. In the movie, Maruge wanted to learn how to read and write. However, many people were against
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Maruge faced challenges with the parents. The parents did not feel that it was appropriate for him to attend an elementary school. He overcame those challenges by avoiding the negativity from others. He continued to attend school so that he could achieve his ultimate goal of learning how to read/write.
2. Maruge faced challenges with the school district. They did not want to waste their resources on Maruge to learn how to read/write. He overcame this challenge by demanding to speak with the school board members so that he could express his reasons for wanting a free education.
3. Maruge faced challenges with the public. The public felt that he was attending school for fame and/or to earn a profit. He overcame this by defending his rights to a free education. He also did not let the hostility from other individuals bring him down or discourage him.
4. Which challenge inspired you the most?
I feel that his overall battle that he had to face to get an education was upsetting. However, his drive to continue to attend school despite the negativity was inspiring. I feel that this shows how Maruge was determined to achieve his goal of learning how to read/write.

5. If you were the “First Grader”, would the outcome have been similar? Why or why