Stigma In Healthcare

Words: 594
Pages: 3

Some see it as don’t ask, don’t tell. Just like the military’s policy on being gay. However, psychiatric conditions need to be addressed in the work place without fear. I personally suffer from PTSD and Depression due to a sexual assault. I am open about my illnesses and diagnoses because I am not afraid and I want all the help I can get. Others do not feel the same way. Some believe that by telling their employer about their illness, they will be seen as weak due to the stigma that surrounds depression (1). Although the stigma has changed from the past due to greater public awareness and the use of antidepressants, many are still afraid to share their condition (2). There is a huge fear of being demoted professionally or also as being seen …show more content…
There are many reasons actually though that by telling your employer may help your fears of not telling him or her in the first place. Many patients may not realize that if you tell your employer first off that you have depression, you might actually feel less stressed when you have to take off for sick days (1). Depression in today’s society has continued to not often be highly regarded. However, it is making strides in its viewing of positivity. Depression can actually make you a better employee (1). With depression you are more aware of your strengths and weaknesses (1). Stress is often associated with work. By experiencing depression, you have learned many coping strategies for dealing with stress as well as you can be empathetic towards your colleagues if they are feeling stressed (1). Furthermore, a person with a diagnoses of depression knows the importance of a good balance. Thus, they take action before things get overwhelming (1). Doctor’s believe that depression is a medial condition just like diabetes (1). However, personally suffering from depression, it is sometimes hard to view depression in the same category as diabetes or asthma. I understand why it is so hard to disclose to such a personal and intimate diagnoses and why many choose not to disclose. Society needs to stop thinking that mental health is separate from physical health