Vincent van Gogh, creator of the masterpiece “The Hill of the Montmartre with Stone Quarry” was finished in the late year of 1886. Vincent had “no formal art education” and is therefore considered a “folk artist” (Frank 7). Adding to this, Gogh taught himself all the skills he uses in paintings also making him a self-taught artist. Gogh traveled to Paris with his brother and during his stay, his view provided him with inspiration to create a series of paintings that included the “The Hill of Montmartre with Stone Quarry”. The original painting was conducted with oil on canvas and the painting was a total 32 by 41 centimeters big. Gogh was largely known for his paintings of peasant life. Because of this the artwork Vincent van Gogh creates in Paris with his brother fits into his style of artwork because the painting depicts a peasant’s life. Looking into Van Gogh’s artwork we are shown different …show more content…
The color Vincent chose to use in his painting prove to be an analogous color scheme. An analogous color scheme is a color scheme that “is based on colors adjacent to one another on the color wheel” (Frank 62). This decision for an analogous color scheme makes the painting appear softer and gradual. The color scheme also suggests that Gogh decided to paint this landscape in the mid to late afternoon because the colors portray a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Texture is another big technique that Vincent uses in his artwork to show the different qualities of different types of surfaces. Near the bottom of the canvas, we see strokes going in different directions that appear to be stones. In the green section, we see uniform horizontal green strokes the suggest grass. Although if the viewer looks at the buildings, we see a different texture. The walls of the buildings on top of the hill are smoother that the rest of the