Stop The Oriental Menace: Documentary Analysis

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Pages: 3

This documentary consisted of a narrative from Jari Osbourne the daughter of a war veteran, Alex Louie a war veteran and his fellow peers who are war veterans as well. This provides us with a chance to take a look and understand different perspectives as they discuss their various experiences of what it was like to be discriminated against and how those acts helped fuel them to apply to be a Canadian soldier. Roy Mah, a fellow veteran shared his experience of how they could not vote, stand for public office, there were no Chinese hired to be civil servants and law-yers. He outlined how there were many theatres and restaurants with separate seating for Asian Canadians. There was a white workers group known as the Knights of Labor who began a cam-paign to evict the Chinese from Vancouver. Finding jobs …show more content…
Osbourne figured out that her father was a good cook due to necessity; he had grown up at bachelors’ society because many women were not allowed to be in Canada. Alex Louie’s mother went back to China to visit and was not able to return due to the Exclusion Act of 1933, therefore he did not see his mother for 15 years.

While learning about these experiences and the memories shared by the Asian Canadians, we wonder if they start to want to change their identity in order for them to assimilate with the White Canadians. Alex Louie describes a vivid experience of him gaining his license and his fa-ther allowing him to take the car for a drive through the neighborhood. He states that as he was driving down to Granville and Hastings, and a bunch of hoodlums kicked