Story Of An Hour Patriarchal Analysis

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Pages: 4

“The Story of An Hour”, by Kate Chopin, is about a woman named Mrs. Mallard, who portrays women’s lack of freedom in the 1800’s. Fahimeh Q. Benji argues that the theme Self-Identity and Patriarchal affect the late 1800’s which is why Mrs. Mallard stayed in her controlling marriage because divorce was rare during this time. The women’s status during the late 1800’s were housewives. Kate Chopin begins the story with Mrs. Mallard having a heart of trouble causing her to suffer from repression, or trouble with the heart. Mrs. Mallard has desires for solitary and does not like for Josephine to walk her upstairs. Mrs.Mallard appears to grieve, however, she desires to be alone so that she can fully grasp her liberty from repression. Mr. Mallard believes …show more content…
Louise Mallard’s death is when Mr. Mallard enters the house. Mr.Mallard’s name had been on a list of those killed in a train accident but he is alive. Everyone begins to accept his death and the concept that he is gone but as they begin to accept the idea he walks through the door. By the time Richard, a close friend of Mr.Mallard’s tries to conceal Mr.Mallard from Mrs.Mallard it is too late. At the beginning of the story Richards hastened to distribute the news to Mrs.Mallard but if he would have arrived too late then Mr. Mallard would have arrived home first and Mrs.Mallard’s life would not have ended an hour later but it would have been continuous. Although Richard’s gloomy message was displeasing to him it is a happy message for Mrs.Mallard. Mrs.Mallard is looking forward to the approach of the summer days as she embraces her new life, but she will not live to see the end of the spring …show more content…
As Mr.Mallard walks through the door, Mrs.Mallard lets out a loud shriek and immediately collapses. The doctor proclaims that Mrs.Mallard dies from heart complications. The immense joy comes to a halt when she departs her room to find out that her husband is not dead. Mrs.Mallard is extremely shocked to see her husband standing in her presence that it causes her to have a heart attack. The doctors described Mrs.Mallard’s death as the joy that kills. One knows from reading the story that Mrs.Mallard was nowhere near overjoyed. The doctors misunderstood the overjoyed that killed her. It was the not the delight of seeing her husband in her presence that killed her but, Mrs.Mallard came to the realization that the overly excitement that she once experienced during the last hour has come to an end.
In conclusion, one can learn from reading from “The Story of An Hour” about women’s life in the late 1800’s. The women did not have a say in their daily affairs. The men were in control of everything. Kate Chopin begins and ends the story with the heart troubles of Mrs.Mallard’s heart trouble to show the physical and mental