Streetcar Named Desire Quotes

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Pages: 2

In This quote you can see how Blanch brought it on herself by being a prostitute. “That’s where I brought my victims. Yes, I had many intimacies with strangers” Blanche brought most of the stress and depression on to herself by her actions and how she went about herself.

In this play some people might see her as the victim and that she did not cause any of the stuff that happened to her , but that’s not the case she did many things that led her to be more depressed and to have a breakdown. The fact that she did not have the right mind and made bad choices is one of the main reasons, her losing her job ,because she had a relationship with one of her students, that was very bad decision on her part cause she lost her job and lost her reputation. Everything that Blanche did hurt her more and more mentally even though some things didn’t seem like they would cause anything they did. Lying to her sister caused many problems because later on it led to her sister not believing her.
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People might say that “oh she didn’t deserve any of the stuff that happened to her” she may have not deserved it , but she had it coming. The way she expressed herself and how she flirted with many men, led to the end of the play and it was irony that how she always wanted love and how she had the desire for