Strengths And Weaknesses Of Pan Research Paper

Words: 210
Pages: 1

Pans weaknesses If he gets mad he lets out a lot of loud noise and fear/panic when people see him they were afraid of him from fear because of the loud noise and how he looks (legs are a goat)

Pans strengths Music resistance to injury transform into someone else

Pans family is unclear
His dad could’ve been Zeus, Dionysus, Hermes or Apollo His mother could be Dryope, Penelope or Aphrodite
In a very few websites they had the father as Hermes and the mother as Penelope His spouse is a goat nymph named Aix
Zeus is Aix father and crafted her skin Over the millions of years, Pan has lived he has had 12 kids.

Pan was associated with the flute/pipe.

He was also associated with the symbol of a goat.
Pan came across