Stressors in the Profession of Law Enforcement Essay

Submitted By mariagodinez
Words: 1541
Pages: 7

The propose of the research done in the article I have chosen is to draw attention to stressors in the profession of law enforcement due to their potential risk they encounter every day. The nature of the work was expressed in the article using different scenarios that have been printed by the media, one of the articles brought attention to how being killed or injured while at work brings a huge challenge to the officers and their families. The researcher also stated that in many cases the media only relays information that in times shows the negative situations where the people view law enforcement as bad cops, brutal cop, and the corrupt cop, since this seems to bring more attention to their stories than the relativities that law enforcement face while protecting society. The realty of police officers are to make sure the community is safe, investigate crime when it occurs, address the public needs for example victims and witnesses, and to assist potential individuals who are in a stage where they may commit harm to self or others. Police officers in no doubt are exposed to more acute and chronic life stressors than most other professions. One of the researcher’s questions that brought up in this study is what can be done to prevent police suicide and to reduce occupational stress and dysfunctional behavior in officers.
The design of the study used has been methodology approach since the researcher enabled a rich and depth description of the data and provided evidence of the dramatic situations that are encountered while in law enforcement, while it underlines the facts on how the stress has been built and the effects it causes if no treatment is taken to reduce those stress factors. Qualitative research was also a main factor since it provided a systematic approach and enabled the fundamental basis of stress factors outcomes. The research provided positive and negative cases to evaluate the equivalent of using a control group experiment in the study. The collection of the study is based on the following criteria that are part implicit in the design and target the audience of the survey and emerged the analysis of the response to the assessments, counseling and the inventions conducted. The research conducted the pervious steps to indentify the operational guidelines to the staff that assessed the Southern Law Enforcement foundation in providing the officers with mental health support. The police stress modal was assembled to be used as a functional prevention program and it is used to treat officers since it provides on understanding of predisposing factors including the stressful nature of events experienced by officers now and long term. The biological status of an individual is where it begins with at that time the officer encounters heath examinations, current state of health and many more. One main factor that is obvious in law enforcement is the shift work, constant changes in shifts may lead to health problems, since they are changing their sleeping patterns and this affects physical and psychological well being. The shift work not only affects the officer but also his family since in many instance they are present in special events that may be happening in the around them due to work hours. There are three main components of stress in police work they are explosive, implosive, and corrosive incidents there are many types of prevention and treatment programs to address police stress these programs are funded by federal and state sources and also private foundations. This is where are question comes into place, what can be done to prevent stressful outcomes, it is very important that anyone recovering from a crisis is in a dependable support group.
The research done on domestic violence stated that it was one of the main causes of women injuries and ranged in the age group of fifth teen though forty four, it had been estimated that strangers where not the main leading cause to rapes in these women but,