Student Appreciation Day At Tom Baines School

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Pages: 8

SAD day hit, I was highly nervous and excited. Today was a Student Appreciation Day, I was going to do something, something unique. I nervously and anxiously walked into my classroom. I had to choose, between the unique choice and the usual choice. My hands slightly sweated, it was time to choose......

Student Appreciation Day at our junior high, Tom Baines School was a fun day of activity choosing. You could choose to go to either the games, the movies, or even dancing. I had already pep rallied my class in the morning. Pep rally happened before the Student Appreciation day, in which all the classrooms at my school would have had students name them randomly, and each class would rally against each other for showing other teachers
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I thought uneasily to myself as I walked slower around the place. Make a choice!! A leader like voice went in my head super loud. But I’m so nervous! Should I go to the movies or the dance! The other voice in my head sounded worryingly. Just make a choice! For plains sake! The leader voice replied in my head again, this time more persuading. Suddenly, my friend William suddenly spoke out to me, saying that he was going to try the school Dance. He ran faster than a horse into the school Dance line and said “bye.” Thinking I was going to the movies activity as he blended in the crowd. Because my friend William had decided to go to the school dance, unlike last year. I quickly followed him deciding that I must try the school dance too . I went next to William and spoke with slight confidence: “Time to investigate what the heck this school dance …show more content…
Betty was a great friend of mine who I have known ever since 4th grade, when I was less shy of a person. She greeted me back with a mischevious smile saying: “ Hi, Justin” before we talked. Betty did not like the dance much because of all the loud noises from the music. I actually slightly agreed with her, because my left ear was not hearing as well, which I wasn’t too happy about. At least, the school dance was worth it, even if it was loud for me. Betty had missed the good parts because she did not think of trying the school