Exam 2 Study Guide Answers

Submitted By xoxojoanne
Words: 504
Pages: 3

Exam 2 Study Guide

You are responsible for all assigned materials, even those not emphasized here, though the contents of the exam are intended to be drawn either directly from this study guide.

All Materials (lecture, Discussion, or Book):
*Be able to define any and all highlighted terms.
Be able to distinguish between terms in an applied fashion; that is, if a question asks which term/concept best answers a question, solves a scenario problem, or fits a certain description.
*Even if something isn’t in the guide, it is remotely possible you could be tested on it. So at least read other book content.

You should be able to define or apply these concepts particularly effectively – you should know them extremely well. Those that are in bold are especially important. They will most likely be on the test in some form, and some may be tested in two separate questions. The bulk of the most challenging questions will also generally come from boldface items. The non-bold items will be sampled such that some are on the test and others won’t be chosen.

There will be a few M/C questions that refer directly or indirectly to film clips and/or role play exercises.

Decision-Making – Mod 2.1, GJ 15
*Steps in decision making (from lecture) and problems associated with each stage
*Assumptions of bounded rationality and how satisficing works
*The 3 Decision-Making Heuristics from lecture. Also, be able identify which one is being employed in situations.
*Guidelines for improving individual problem solving
*Groupthink and strategies for preventing it (Focus here on the 2 classes of symptoms from lecture rather than the 8 specific symptoms in the text.)

•Programmed vs. non-programmed decisions
•From the classical model of decision making, understand the difficulties associated with it (these are prefaced by do not know in italics) and the consequences of these difficulties in the last paragraph of the section
•Escalation of Commitment
•Advantages and disadvantages of group decision making
•Other Consequences of Group Decision Making
•Group Decision Making Techniques
•Principles of Organizational