Subculture Body Building

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Body Building: The Subculture
In Today’s society appearance is something that many people care about. In the twenty-first century women are not the only ones that care for their appearance but also men have started to care more about their appearance as well. We naturally want to look our best and show off how good we can look. We deeply care about our clothes, hair, hygiene, tan, body, and so on. A specific subculture that fixes on the nurturing their bodies are the body building subculture. They will go to great extends to achieve their goals. Like everything in life, nothings perfect! Body Building has many negative “side effects” to practicing it. Such as; Health issues, anabolic abuse, and the high price they have to pay in order to
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When a person decides to practice bodybuilding they learn that is not only going to the gym and drinking supplements in order to make their muscles grow. They learn that body builders have a strict diet that they most follow. The diet is so stringent that it’s hard to follow especially when the body builder is entering a competition. When body builders are in competition mode they undergo a strict diet. "When in competition body builders diet and dehydrate themselves to levels that mean that although they may look strong they may actually feel weak because of starvation and dehydration necessary to present in competition form." (Fussell, 1991. Cited in Grogan, S., S. Shepherd, R. Evans, S. Wright, and G. Hunter. "Experiences Of Anabolic Steroid Use: In-depth Interviews With Men And Women Body Builders." Journal of Health Psychology: 845-56. Print.) Not only are they subjected …show more content…
In the research Experiences of Anabolic Steroid Use In-depth Interviews with Men and Women Body Builders the interviewees admitted that they either had used steroids or where using steroids at the time of the interview. The participants argued that steroids taken in moderation serve a useful function and are safe. However, all of them have seen the negative side effects that has taken places on their bodies like lower back pain, kidney pressure, water retention, headaches, panic attacks, memory loss, anxiety and depression, high blood pressure and even infertility. “Over the past year we have noted an increased number of men attending the infertility clinic who have been using anabolic steroids for bodybuilding.” (Lloyd, F H, P. Powell, and A P Murdoch. "Lesson of the Week: Anabolic Steroid Abuse by Body Builders and Male Subfertility." BMJ: 100-01. Print). Body builders know that steroids are dangerous but they think that if they use it in moderation that there shouldn’t really be any negative side effects but its erroneous, they do cause serious side effect both in women and in