Subject's Bathroom Observation

Words: 896
Pages: 4

The setting for my observation happened in subject’s home at 11:15am. The environment the activity occurred in the subject’s kitchen. Subject’s kitchen was spacious and to the left was a marble kitchen table, next was a dishwasher, then a double stainless steel sinks, then a toaster, after was a stove and above it was a microwave, then a stainless steel refrigerator. Next to the right of refrigerator was an pantry and then an small table, and an apple clock attached to the wall. The subject’s kitchen cabinets from top to bottom are mahogany wood and a kitchen light attached. The subject’s activity will be cooking rice with red kidney beans. First, the subject approached kitchen cabinet and inside extended arm to reached for a pan and added water from the kitchen sink and placed it on the stove. Then, the subject reached for red kidney beans and hyper-extended her wrist to open bag poured into the pan. The subject added salt and turned stove knob to between medium and high for 1 hour and a half to boil. The subject take a spoon from the cabinet and proceeds toward the beans and scooped two beans to eat to taste if their cooked. The subject’s reaction was expanding her lip mouth due to hot beans but forgotten to blow on them before eating them. The subject proceeds toward the dishwasher and takes a strainer and a bowl for the beans. The subject lifted …show more content…
Charles Darwin believed human evolution (biological) occurs in the world of nature/environment and other organisms such as animals (dogs, whales) or insects (roaches, butterfly) (Russ 11). Darwin’s theory supports my subject’s activity in cooking rice which was taught to as a teenager in her environment of Haiti. The years progress to now 58 years old, the subject still incorporates cooking techniques taught in her teenage