Summary: Drug Dosage Frequency

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Pages: 3

Drug Dosage Frequency
Route Indication / Mechanism of Action Adverse reactions Assessment/ Teachings
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 50mg.
Range (25-50mg q4-6hr)
PO one-time Allergic reactions
It decreases allergic response by blocking histamine Seizures, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia, anaphylaxis, wheezing, chest tightness, photosensitivity, hypotension, increased thick secretions, anxiety, and dizziness Assess CBC
Assess respiratory status: rates, rhythm, increase bronchial secretions, wheezing, and chest tightness.
Product should be discontinued 4 days before skin allergy tests.
Avoid concurrent use of alcohol with medication.
Albuterol 90mcg/puff
Range (2 puffs q4-6hr as needed
2 puff via MDI Q 4-6 hrs. Asthma
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Assess for paradoxical bronchospasm and hold if bronchospasm occurs.
Avoid smoking, smoke-filled rooms, and person with respiratory infection.
Limit caffeine products.
Wash inhaler in warm water daily and dry.
0.9% Sodium Chloride
(Normal saline) 100cc/hr.
IV continuous infusion Hydration and to increase blood pressure. Fluid retention, pulmonary edema Monitor for symptoms of fluid overload.
Oxygen 4L/min nasal cannula
Range (2-4L via nasal cannula) Acute asthma attack
Helps with getting air to the alveoli for gas exchange Drying of the nares Monitor oxygen saturation >90%.
Humidify oxygen >2L.
Prevent smoking when oxygen in use.
Symbicort Budesonide/