Summary In Ray Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451'

Words: 1070
Pages: 5

Page No. Active Reading Notes
Personification: The parlor was dead. (Bradbury 67) This was used to emphasize the fact that the parlor was “gray-looking.”
Observation: Mildred does not like to talk about Clarisse. Perhaps because she is jealous of her.
Prediction: The “dog” at the door is the hound, who has discovered that Montag was hiding books and thus came to do something about it.
Question: Is the snake metaphorical or real?
Answer: I think it is a metaphor for all of the bad stuff inside of Mildred.
Opinion: I like that Montag has changed as a person for the better and truly cares or at least trying to fix mistakes of the past.
Metaphor: “Maybe the books can get us half out of the cave.” This is a metaphor that Montag said to explain that
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Answer: Maybe the phone had caller ID, he thinks it has the truth about humanity since it teaches a religion.
Observation: It is ironic that Mildred is asking Montag if she is more important than a book because to her, her TV family is more important..
Simile: … sitting there like a wax doll melting in its own heat. (Bradbury 72) This is used to describe how furious Mildred is.
Question: Is Montag leaving Mildred for good?
Answer: Possibly, but I don’t think so.
Character: Montag is going to Faber to try emotions again. Proving he can think for himself.
Metaphor: ...trying to fill a sieve with sand. (Bradbury 74) A metaphor for trying to accomplish something impossible.
Observation: Montag is experiencing the “insanity” other book readers do. In my opinion, this is stating that Montag is simply a regular guy so most people react the same way.
Inference: Faber has been secretly reading books for a long time and thus knows to be cautious.
Metaphor: He and the white plaster walls inside were much the same. (Bradbury 76) This is a metaphor describing how the walls were blank with no TV family.
Question: Why did Montag say his wife is