Summary: My Experience At Brebeuf

Words: 495
Pages: 2

I believe that the four years I have spent at Brebeuf have shaped me into a better person. As such, I wish to keep in close contact with alumni circles to continue bettering myself. Specifically, I believe that my academic success and involvement in extracurriculars has helped create my Brebeuf experience.
In Grades Nine through Eleven, I have attained the Honour Roll at Brebeuf. I have also participated in Brebeuf’s Enriched-level courses. In Grades Ten and Eleven, I completed Enriched English. This year, in Grade Twelve, I am on track to once again achieve Honour Roll. Of the seven courses I have finished and are enrolled in, my Grade Twelve average at midterm is 93%.
From my Grade Nine year, I have attempted to be involved in as many