Summary Of Armengol's 'Grapes Of Wrath'

Words: 2158
Pages: 9

Josep M. Armengol showcases the emasculinization that men encounter in the depression era because of the economic failure resulted from their unemployment. 'For most men, then', in Armengol's words, 'the Depression proved to be emasculating both at work and at home.[…]. Not only did they feel ashamed of themselves for being unable to work; they were usually despised by their own families, too, who saw them as equally ‘unmanly’'. James N. Gregory partly agrees with this view when it comes to the Dust Bowl migrants. Gregory believes that the 'changes in work roles and family authorities systems' occur occasionally. Even if this shift 'sometimes' happens, he continues, 'there is little evidence that this was particularly widespread among Dust Bowl migrants'. Gregory claims that the strong
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While effeminating his men, Steinbeck masculinizes his women in addition to their femininity in Grapes, I argue. Steinbeck's women embody masculinity and femininity. There is a shift in gender roles. As Robert Con Davis argues it, the Depression attached with the Dust Bowl in Grapes contributes to ‘changes in the Joad’s familial relations’. Ma Joad becomes the family’s man. Pa Joad, in response, is ‘emasculated’.
Steinbeck, before the migration journey starts, places his women’s way of thinking and mental capabilities next to his men’s. When being told about his family’s departure for California, Tom places his mother’s dominance next to his father's and grandpa's. Tom says ‘‘‘I wonder Pa went so easy. I wonder Grampa didn’ kill nobody.[…] An’ Ma ain’t nobody you can push aroun’, neither’’’. About his mother’s dominance blended with some distraction when being angry, Tom