Summary Of Carl Hayden High School's Robotic Team

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Pages: 3

What makes a good team worth more than the sum of its parts? Both articles revolve around individual success, background, and teamwork because every piece each person brought into their accomplishment contributed to make it one. Each student from the Carl Hayden robotics club came together as a team and played their part to win a place in a competition, and the partnership of Jobs and Wozniak proceeded as long as they had different perspectives of life and work. Both groups worked with unity and persistence in their field but with different strategies and thoughts about their missions and expectations.
Each member of Carl Hayden High School’s robotic team used their expertise to successfully win a competition using teamwork. As it stated in the article,” These kids from the desert proved they are among the smartest underwater engineers in the country,” which illustrates that they took their jobs seriously and carefully, although they didn’t expect to win. They each did their duty well enough to think about getting a place in the competition. Since these guys had their own title go by, when they put their heads together they created a strong team rising to the occasion. This group, made up of underdogs, successfully created an underwater engineer to
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They were in awe with each other’s strategies, thoughts, and goals. Wozniak was shy and enjoyed his work without profit. On the other hand, Jobs introduced a whole new world of sales and entrepreneurship to their partnership. “They were very different, but they made a powerful team,” said Ron Wayne, an engineer, which helps understand that their differences brought out the best of both of them. This meant that these men used their differing abilities to succeed. Two almost completely different men created a strong bond that has encouraged what many people love,