Summary Of Coyote Steals Fire

Words: 288
Pages: 2

When night emerges after the sun goes down, the world is in complete darkness. No sources of light or heat exist that can be used after the sun sets. In the story “Coyote Steals Fire”, Thunder holds the wonderful gift of fire. The world needed fire to cook raw food, to expel warmth, and to illuminate the world for when night comes, darkness overtakes the land. The problem is that everyone fears Thunder for he is a menacing being. The only one that does not dread the sight of Thunder is Coyote. The storytellers Erdoes and Ortiz both describe the fearful creatures by saying, “Everybody was afraid of him. Even Bear and Mountain Lion trembled when they heard Thunder’s rumbling voice” (44). Coyote challenges Thunder to a game of dice, where if Coyote