Summary Of Gesture Life

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Pages: 7

World War two and war crimes, the two go hand in hand, from the Laha Airfield Massacre to the Death Railway from the Japanese, and to the forced labor and death camps of the Nazis. The latter is all we ever we here about. This is not everything that happened that was a war crime, you have the United States of America imprisoning Japanese-Americans in internment camps with over 127,000 United States citizens imprisoned during World War II then with Pearl Harbor this seemed like a very humane and very strategic decision by President Roosevelt. Then we have the Japanese, they committed more war crimes but to less people that is maybe why we don’t hear about them. In the “Gesture Life” we see that rape was common in Japanese war camps. So we can …show more content…
Let’s take the holocaust or, how it is know to the Germans as Hitler’s final solution. It is widely study and publicized, for a lack of a better word, in history books because it affected mostly Caucasians Jews in Germany, France and the surrounding countries and also because of the sheer number of people affected by this was almost six million Jews being killed in death and concentration camps. So it meets both standards for it to be highly publicized, again for a lack of a better word, and also it is highly studied in classrooms across the United States because it is a war crime against Caucasian Jews. So now let’s take a look at the rape of Nanjing, the forgotten holocaust of world war …show more content…
That is one reason that we never hear about these events that happened during world war two. The most important reason that we don’t hear about this is because it happened before the United States entered the war but most importantly the victims of the crimes were not Caucasians. I believe this to be the reason that we don’t hear about these acts and also because when people think about world war two they automatically think Hitler and the death of all of the Jewish people in Germany France and the surrounding countries. This would have to change drastically before people can even start to really learn about the horribly war crimes such as attacks on Pearl Harbor, Malaya, Singapore, and Hong Kong Mass killings, human experimentation and biological warfare, use of chemical weapons, torture of prisoners of war, execution and killing of captured Allied airmen, cannibalism, forced labor, comfort women, looting, and perfidy committed by the Japanese soldiers in there war camps during this