Summary Of How I Lost The Junior Miss Pageant By Cindy Bosley

Words: 758
Pages: 4

When reading the short essay “How I lost the Junior Miss Pageant”, by Cindy Bosley a lot of different thoughts ran through my mind when presented with different ideas by the author. A common theme replayed back to me when reading and that is greed and want which plagues the young girl.
During the essay Cindy, the little girl at the time, watches television when the Junior Miss Pageant comes one every year. She pretends to be a judge, when the young women walk across the stage, and even has her own categories selected for judging the woman. Throughout the text she talks about how her family is in poverty and how she longs to be a part of this pageant. Her mother wants her to be in the contest because she doesn’t feel pretty because of her husband. So her mother does everything in her power to get her photographed and to be submitted into the contest. Despite the class division she is able to get into the pageant, unfortunately she does not get that far into it because of a flaw in her routine. Ultimately she is upset over this and it leaves her with a bitter sweet feeling. Sometimes a person’s desire is greater
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One thing I do credit them for is they did make me think in the prelude to the essay with the phrase “…the constant pressure to perform well in public.” It is in human nature to be the best and do well especially in front of one’s peers because it gives the person a confidence boost and makes them feel great about themselves. The author explains a lot of trials and tribulations to attain a spot in the pageant. The reasons I disagree with the authors idea’s set forth by this essay are that pageants are not a confidence boost to begin with and can really belittle the person trying to get in them. They set a standard for some that is not achievable because we are all made different in our own ways and we cannot change who we biologically