Summary Of Joseph Campbell's Heroic Monomyth

Words: 484
Pages: 2

Gilgamesh the wise king of Uruk and an ancient story that follow Joseph Campbell’s Heroic Monomyth. Gilgamesh receives a dream from a god of mountain Enlil about this destiny which triggers the call to adventure to the cedar. Gilgamesh is two third god and one third man so he will soon die and be forgot. He fears that to happen so Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu decide to go on a journey to find Humbaba the threshold guardians and slay him to build their legacy. Enkidu the wild man once live in the forest knew a forest is a large place and he feels weak as his lifespan shorten which refuse the call to adventure. Gilgamesh wouldn't give up his legacy and call for a supernatural aid from the sun god Shamatha. He selected children as a sacrifice and the sun god appears to aid Gilgamesh and his helper Enkidu on their journey. Their departure stared when they are about to leave the city the counselor or the wise old man warn Gilgamesh the danger of the evil Incarnate Humbaba but he didn’t care and told his people he will defeat Humbaba and conquer the land of the cedar. …show more content…
The road of the trial started once they leave the city to look for Humbaba, they walk for leagues and finally they reach the cedar. The heroes rest and Gilgamesh dig a well before the sun set. Gilgamesh, pray for a for a dream that will aid them in their journey. The Belly of the Whale started when Gilgamesh have 3 dreams and this dream terrified him and when they fall into the cedar the roaring of Humbaba made Gilgamesh lose his strength. After losing his strength the sun god Shamatha told them not to be afraid and march forward the supernatural aid. Gilgamesh pray once more and this time to his godly father and mother Lugalbanda and Ninsun and march forward to fight