Summary Of Natasha Preston's The Cellar

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Pages: 2

The Cellar
All you need to do to be kidnapped is to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. This is what Natasha Preston’s book The Cellar tells us. Summer the main character of the book decides to walk in the park at night alone even though her boyfriend Lewis and her brother Henry told her not too. She ran into a guy by the name of Colin who mumbled the name Lilly over and over again. Summer kept repeating “I'm not Lilly you must have the wrong person!” Collin then quickly grabbed her and kidnapped her. Before she knew it she was in a strange cellar.

Summer then meets three other girls who ironically are all named after flowers. Rose, Poppy, and Violet. Rose greeted summer and told her that she would from now on go by the name of Lilly and that the person we know as Collin shall be called Clover. Rose also explained that Clover was a complete clean freak and not only makes them shower twice a day but also makes them constantly clean the cellar which they lived upon. As the book goes through Clover constantly brings in flowers for each girl. The girls would always get the flower of their name so Rose would get roses, Poppy would get poppies, Violet would get violets and Lilly would get lilies . he would do this because he loved flowers as much as he loved his “family”. Lilly/Summer gets trapped for six months in Clovers cellar and when she finally was set free Summer was basically a
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They represent the happiness and hope of the girls. The thing with flowers is without light and fresh air they wilt up and soon after die. That's exactly what happens to the girls the longer they are in the cellar the more hope and happiness they lose and soon it's gone. They just stop fighting it because there's just no use anymore their hope and happiness is gone. That's what holds the girls together the hope of getting out and the happiness they had when they were