Summary Of Night By Elie Wiesel

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Pages: 4

The story Night by Elie Wiesel is a story about the holocaust and where the faith in god gets you during people's time in concentration camps. Night is about a Jewish family who is transported to a concentration camp from their home in Sighet and their journey in the camp. Also how the son Eliezer’s experience in the camp changes and how his thoughts and action also change throughout months in the camp. Eliezer's faith in god is important to his survival to the holocaust.
Eliezer’s faith in god is important to his survival of the holocaust, even with other setbacks and hard times he comes across during his time getting sent between concentration camps. “I looked at my house in which I had spent years seeking my God, fasting to hasten the coming
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Neither those who doubt or question God, as does Eliezer, nor those who never doubt, betray their faith. Hasidism is antagonistic, "man questions God and God answers. But we don't understand His answers." And yet it is true that the Shoah, or Holocaust, was too much for Eliezer to immediately reconcile with his religion. He was questioning but he was growing tired of God's silence (Bosmajian)”.
This quote is very meaningful in terms of Eliezer questioning god and how he reacts when god has not answered any of his prayers.
Faith in god and religion is very important to Eliezer’s survival of the holocaust on many different occasions. Eliezer was faced with a lot of setbacks and hard times during his months in the concentration camp. When Eliezer finally gives up on god because he is not answering any of his prayers the Holocaust is just about to end. This shows that Eliezer just had to be patient with god and keep praying even in the hardest times.The story Night by Elie Wiesel is mainly focused around god and religion and where the faith in god gets you during your time in a concentration