Summary Of Quilt Of A Country By Anna Quindlen

Words: 628
Pages: 3

Currently our world is in conflicts over food, water, land, basic needs, and religious ideals. We coexist in a world that is torn between greed, to have the best for ourselves and our loved ones and the needs of others that are less fortunate in more ways or less. Our history as a whole did not start with individuals who helped themselves to get ahead, instead we formed communities that worked together as a concentrated group. In Unity we prosper and progress to develop; a more united front. The world is divided in some ways, our country if even divided,and most likely your thoughts on equal or lesser values are divided. Anna Quindlen, an American author starts her essay “Quilt of a Country” of by stating that “America is an improbable idea.A Mongrel nation built of ever-changing disparate parts,it is held together by a notion , the notion that all men are created equal ,though everyone knows that most men consider themselves better than someone.” Her thoughts on America are quite vague but clear enough to infer that …show more content…
The speech that he delivered was to give hope to the families and friends who had lost their loved ones in the civil war. The line he uses to conclude this moving speech “and that the government of the people, by the people,for the people,shall not perish from the earth” connects everyone that had suffered a loss, or believed in everyone's freedom. The individuals or american citizens he targeted with this speech felt the sense of unity and pride for their country. They felt members of a society ,that could come together in times of war ,and develop a whole.President Lincoln boosted the moral enough that they continued to fight and eventually be successful. “The Gettysburg Address” continued to inspire people throughout the ages,and perhaps still inspires people