Summary Of The Book Review Of Anthem By Ayn Rand

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The book review of Anthem
When reading the book, called Anthem, directed by the famous writer, Ayn Rand, I have recognized the significant ideas about the individuals and groups at the same time. Although in the book, it has told us something useful and essential about the groups, it still pays more attention to the key points of the individuals. After the knowledge of the book, we can realize that the book is just an anthem sung in praise of a man’s ego from the legendary author Ayn Rand to be honest. Generally speaking, American society focuses a close attention on the individuals, so the significance of individuals can be emphasized here in the book. When referring to the writer, Ayn Rand, she is the famous philosophy,
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Individuals can help protect our rights and social position to some degree. The biggest evil in the modern world turns out to be that some people actively and happily accept the collectivism at the absence of morality. Some people deceive themselves about their inner thoughts when they want to seek protection and when they had better state their personal position. This book explores the hidden thoughts of collectivism behind the individuals in reality. What the essence of collectivism should be explored as detailed as possible in most cases. Although the social essence is to advocate the collectivism, something behind it can be the individuals pursuit in essence. So no matter what happened, people can seek for their personal rights and determination under the direction of collectivism all the time. Just like the social reality, from the main characters, we can realize he is a person who place the emphasis on the personal pursuit, only relying on the social help and assistance all the time. In essence, all the people want to serve for themselves, which can be the social essence all the time. We should make most of the individuals rather than the collectivism to be …show more content…
In the book, it is clear that individualism can deal with something in term of the collective will in most cases. A male main character who can find that individuality through his relationship with a female character in the book. Only one person’s own efforts and struggle can change his own social and economic condition, nobody can help you out if necessary. Living in the big group, it can only provide a social atmosphere and a chance to help individuals make their own business and achieve their own goals in most cases. We should realize this serious the social essence when considering the social individuals and group from different