Summary Of The Death Of Horatio Alger By Paul Krugman

Words: 384
Pages: 2

In “The Death of Horatio Alger” Paul Krugman states that, “It is true, however, that America was once a place of substantial intergenerational mobility: Sons often did much better than their fathers”. Is the social mobility in United States declined because of our political leaders or because of the absence of fathers in the children' life? Does a father influence can determine a child's economic success?
A father's influence can determine a child's economic success. Children that have fathers involved in their life are more likely to reach higher levels of education, triumph in their careers, have higher level of self-acceptance, experience emotional and psychological well-being. There is a “father absence crisis” in America. According to U.S. Census Bureau, 24 million children in America – one out of three - live without their biological dad in the home. Most people will assign the responsibility to the political liders or the actual economic situation, but in fact the crisis are in each home or in each family. The problems in the society are reflect from the family's problems. United States it is still a place of opportunities, however, the children raised in the actual society have not enough emotional or psychological structure as our parents have before. Our parents did not have all the technology or information that
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In “The Death of Horatio Alger” Paul Krugman states that, “ It is true, however, that America was once a place of substantial intergenerational mobility: Sons often did much better than their fathers”. So,