Summary Of The Hero's Journey By Joseph Campbell

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Pages: 2

Campbell discusses his theory of the journey of the atypical hero found in a world of mythologies. He argues that we should understand the universe and who we are in it. The book is basically one big story that includes other myths or tales. He’s trying to prove a point by telling us that all heros start from the beginning, no hero starts off with non-human like abilities. The hero has to go threw a whole trial from beginning to the end. Have you notice in every hero adventure movie or book the narrator tells us how the hero received the powers or how it came about. The hero wasn’t born with the power, he/she was giving the power. Campbell believes that human myths and stories have things that are in common, and I agree with him.

Supernatural Aid is for those who have not refused the call, the first encounter of the hero journey is with a protective figure (often a little old crone or old man). Who
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The hero forwards his adventure until he comes to the “threshold guardian” at the entrance to the zone of magnified power. Beyond the guardian is darkness, danger, and etc. The guardian can be protective and the hero about the unknown world. By passing the guardian the hero gains knowledge and power so he/she could make through the threshold into the next world. Passing or defeating the guardian, the hero enters a new stage of the world.

The belly of the whale is the magical threshold in a transit into a sphere of the rebirth. The hero has passed the first threshold, he/she enters a womb-like state called “the belly of the whale”. He/she is swallowed up by the power of the threshold, symbolized by a sea monster or something similar and seems to have died. Crossing the threshold can be a transformation into another state of being. The hero is stuck, everyone seems that the hero was dead. Some type or god or creature has to wake the he/she up, just like the tale