Summary Of Too Poor To Make The News By Barbara Ehrenreich

Words: 543
Pages: 3

In the article “Too Poor to Make the News” author Barbara Ehrenreich expresses how the already poor suffers abundantly more than the Nouveau Poor. While the Nouveau Poor sacrifice their normal everyday luxuries such as family retreats and fine dining; the already poor struggle to survive in their own recession. They forgo housing, food and medication. Being poor in America is the result of insufficient education leading to financial hardship and destitute health.

One of the greatest impact suffered by poor people is financial hardship. Being poor doesn’t absolutely mean that a person is unemployed, in fact, many of the poor are considered to be the ‘working poor’.
Without sufficient education they are forced to take low paying jobs - usually miles away from their home. The cost of living index increases annually. However, employers are not mandated to allocate pay increases. This issue further adds to the continuity factor of poverty levels. Without money to pay for necessities, saving money proves to be a difficult challenge. Poor people rely
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Many of the poor come from underprivileged backgrounds and lack the motivation to obtain a degree. Barbara Ehrenreich says ‘the already poor descend through a series of deprivations” (339). For poor students of legal working age, graduating high school is noble. However seeking higher education doesn’t come with the same emotional support from parents. In some families, emphasizes are placed on a paycheck that will contribute to the household as a whole, consequently leaving academic studies to play second fiddle. Ehrenreich describes how the increasing unemployment rates are more prevalent amongst the uneducated (339). Without an adequate education, people limit their chances of finding substantial jobs. This issue consequently prevents the poor from overcoming poverty. This also produces a never ending cycle passed down from generation to